To intentionally share the hope of Jesus with all people through relentless love and generous lives!


We desire to be a community that intentionally prioritizes time to relentlessly love those who are skeptical ,who have little or no exposure to the Gospel and those who believe in Christ but are (nearly) done with the church. As a community, we intentionally do this by lovingly, sacrificially, and graciously meet people where there at in their journey with Christ. City Church intentionally desires to be a family that plants gospel-centered, Spirit-led, mission-focused churches so that many more people in our city can experience the hope of Jesus resulting in the renewal and transformation of our friends, neighbors, and family.


We are a family of missionary servants for the Glory of God: We are Spirit-Led Disciples who are followers of Jesus and we desire to display His posture, tone, motives, and heart in all of life. As disciples we ask What is Jesus saying ,and what am I doing in response? We are family, we sacrificially live as family members and as children of God we care for each other as a family.

Come Visit us This Weekend