We at City Church want you to know, understand, and articulate what you believe (1 Peter 3:15). The Gospel–the story of Jesus–is hard for our human minds to understand, but is the power of God for those who are being saved (1 Corinthians 1:18). We encourage you to read the Bible daily, pray for wisdom and understanding, seek out solid, expository (contextual, verse by verse) Bible teaching, and submit to a church’s God-given authority, desiring it’s discipline and edification in your life.
When looking for a church to belong to, understanding what they believe and teach is of utmost importance. Churches and Christians often look alike–many even use the same vocabulary and Bible, but not all of them believe or practice the same thing. That’s a very sad, yet important, reality to understand. The City Church Servant Leadership Team prays that you find a church that stands on the everlasting truth of the authoritative Word of God, teaches it clearly, and practices it daily.
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